Metaverse Technologies, Inc. is focused on engagement between people and brands in the metaverse. M3TA’s Dynamic NFT Verification is a new way to make NFTs practical for real world applications.

“The idea of value generated in the metaverse affecting our daily life feels like a new step in the right direction, in terms relationships between people and brands,” said Tom Arrix, CEO/GetJoy, former Facebook VP Marketing Solutions and investor in Metaverse Technologies.

The impact of Web 3.0 strategies is becoming synonymous with data malleability using technologies like crypto-currency, gamified community engagement, and mixed reality.

Today NFT (Non Fungible Token) owners host their purchased assets in digital wallets, making them impractical to use. “We want to pull the NFT asset and proof of ownership into the real world – dynamically showing ownership status and any associated value that comes with owning the NFT. This opens up a lot of opportunity in next-gen marketing like gamified activations,” said Tomas Siedleczka, Founder / CEO and former Salesforce VP.

Dynamic NFT Verification will provide brands with a new tool to generate value with customers as a community tender, a way to incentivize behavior and investment in high value NFT assets to instantly deepen engagement with customers.

About Metaverse Technologies

Metaverse Technologies is focused on bringing the metaverse into the real world with M3TA• the first engagement network for people and brands. A visual environment of touch-less apps gamified across retail, home and events.